• Home - About ICTA

What is ICTA?

ICTA is a professional association for high school and higher education teachers and coaches of communication, speech, debate, theatre, and media.

Mission Statement

The Illinois Communication and Theatre Association cultivates teaching, learning, service, and advocacy by supporting and developing communication and theatre students and educators through innovative pedagogies and promoting and advancing public discourse knowledge and skills as integral to learning and life-long citizenry. 

Vision Statement

The Illinois Communication and Theatre Association envisions a future in which communication and public discourse is understood as practical and necessary for developing competencies in professional and personal contexts.   


Lincoln Land Community College seeks an Adjunct Communication Instructor for the Fall Semester. Click here for the job posting. 


Alan B. Shepard High School (in Palos Heights, IL) seeks an Assistant Speech Coach for the Fall of 2025; the annual stipend is approximately $5396. The season runs from September through February, has weekly meetings, one to two coaching sessions scheduled weekly during the season, Saturday tournaments most weekends. More specific job responsibilities available upon request. The position will be posted here in the near future. If you have questions, you may contact J. Dunaway. 

If you have a job opportunity or coaching position that you wish to announce here, send information/details  to illinoiscta@gmail.com.

Calendar of Events

2024 Convention

Sept 19-21, 2024: the ICTA Annual Convention was held at the Wojcik Conference Center at Harper College, Palatine, IL.

2025 Convention

Sept 18-20, 2025: the ICTA Annual Convention will be held at Heartland Community College in Normal, IL.

Illinois Communication and Theatre Association

C/O Edward Schwarz

Prairie State College

202 S. Halsted St.

Chicago Heights, IL 60411


Joining us gives permission to share any photos or video taken at conference or shared by other members. We need to advocate for ourselves and our students' futures in Illinois in the areas of communication and theatre. If you wish to not have a photo published on the web, please contact illinoiscta@gmail.com