Links to Professional Organizations and Resources
ICTA has maintained a close relationship with these two professional communication associations for about as long as all have existed:
"The National Communication Association (NCA) is a not-for-profit, membership-based scholarly society founded in 1914" (from the NCA website): https://www.natcom.org/
NCA offers a variety of resources. This link currently offers resources for K-12, college, and university teachers.
The "Central States Communication Association (CSCA) is an academic organization of communication professionals including college and university professors, students, and K-12 educators" (from the CSCA website): https://csca-net.org/
In Illinois, these governmental organizations are important for communication and theater professionals:
Illinois State Board of Education: https://www.isbe.net/
Illinois Board of Higher Education: https://ibhe.org/
Illinois Community College Board: https://www.iccb.org/
Illinois Articulation Initiative: https://itransfer.org/
For those involved in competitive communication or theater events, these organizations are prominent:
IHSA: https://www.ihsa.org/
Phi Rho Pi National Forensics Association: http://www.phirhopi.org/
National Forensics Association: https://nationalforensicassociation.org/
American Forensics Association: https://www.americanforensicsassoc.org/
If you know of an important/valuable website for communication or theater professionals, please notify us so we can include it here. Send your recommendation to illinoiscta@gmail.com.