Active Members may sign in below to access member pages.
If you are not sure of your password, click "Change password" to reset your account.
If you are NOT a member, or want to RENEW your membership without attending Convention, sign up below. Choose your membership level and follow the prompts.
NOTE: Convention fees include membership (except for life membership). To renew your membership AND attend the annual Convention, go to the current Convention page. Members who will NOT attend the annual convention but want to maintain their membership (and have access to member-only materials) should renew here or contact ICTA Executive Director.
IMPORTANT: Joining ICTA gives permission to share any photos or video taken at conference or shared by other members. We need to advocate for ourselves and our students' futures in Illinois in the areas of communication and theatre. If you wish to prohibit a photo from being published on the web, please contact illinoiscta@gmail.com